The Just Transition Partnership 2021 Manifesto for all political parties ahead of the Scottish Parliament election in May 2021. The Partnership is demanding that parties lay out concrete plans for the delivery of a Just Transition for workers, communities and …
Policy & Briefings
Just Transition Partnership Letter to the Scottish Government
The Just Transition Partnership have written to the Scottish Government Cabinet Secretaries for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform and for the Economy, Fair Work and Culture to request a response to the Just Transition Commission’s recommendations and to highlight …
The Just Transition Challenge in Scotland
The Just Transition Partnership submission to the Just Transition Commission ahead of their Interim Report. The purpose of the Commission is to advise Scottish Ministers on how to apply Just Transition principles to Scotland. The outcomes referenced in these principles are: environmentally …
Parliamentary Briefing for “Securing a just transition to a carbon-neutral economy” debate
This briefing is from the Just Transition Partnership. This partnership was formed by Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Scottish Trade Union Congress in 2016. Membership includes Unite Scotland, UNISON Scotland, UCU Scotland, CWU Scotland, PCS Scotland, and WWF Scotland. Briefing …
Paving the way for a Just Transition
In Autumn 2018 progress is anticipated on three Scottish Government commitments that are critical to driving forward action to deliver a low carbon economy: the Just Transition Commission a Scottish National Investment Bank, and a publically owned energy company This …
Briefing for Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee on Just Transition
A briefing from the Just Transition Partnership to the Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee ahead of taking evidence from the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Bill Team on the question: How does the Scottish Government intend to …